Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chariots of Fire...or is it crochet hooks?

OLYMPIC FEVER!!! DO YOU HAVE IT!!!! Well, actually no. I haven't had cable in quite some time, plus I've been writing like a slave for my English Lit class, so that I don't have to do it in the fall. Totally worth it. But if anyone wants to invite a sad, burnt-out college student to their house for booze and Olympics, I would certainly not say no.

 Until then, there is this.

I can't even imagine, ever, ever having this kind of time.  The person who knit this, give them ALL of the gold medals.  Now.  Call off the games, they are over.

In yarnbomb news,  I have all of the elements for my next project complete.  It is all a matter of assembly and execution.  I am no longer promising when, two deadlines have gone by since the last time.  Just know it will be soon, and I will let you all know.
