Friday, October 28, 2011

An open letter to Occupy Hartford

Dear Beautiful Friends,

As avid supporters of DIY and the efforts against current struggles of the 99%, we would like to offer a helping hook.

We have been working together to bring you handmade hats and scarves. Most of these have been made with yarns donated to us over the past few years from supportive locals.

We are extending an open invitation to our knitting circle, which meets every Tuesday at 7pm in the Real Art Ways lounge. Real Art Ways is a non-profit contemporary artspace located at 56 Arbor St in the Parkville section of Hartford (they are supporters of the Occupy movement). There we can offer free knitting or crocheting lessons and enough needles/hooks/yarn to get you started.  The crew is willing to give lessons on-site, and will work on setting a date very shortly.

This is also a call for DONATIONS. The Knitty Gritty Committee would like to be able to not only present the protestors with the skills to keep themselves warm, but also the materials to do so on site. If you have any yarn, needles, or hooks that you would like to donate please drop them off at Real Art Ways.

See you soon,


Belle Hooks

Friday, October 21, 2011

Found in Northampton, MA

Once a month, I head up to Packards Pub in Northampton, MA for my Drink and Draw Meeting. With school in session, parking is a little short. Thursday nights are usually pretty busy during this time as well.
With a little luck, we find a spot. It wasn't all I found...This isn't the best picture, but there is mischief afoot.

With fall in full swing, even the parking meters need to keep warm!